
The most trusted rent arrears software solution in the social housing sector.



The most trusted rent arrears software solution in the social housing sector, being used by over 180 housing providers across over 2 million tenancies. It utilises the latest Artificial Intelligence technology, in an ethical manner, to ensure income collection is efficient and effective. Landlords can rest assured they are investing in a proven best-of-breed technology platform that can be tailored to their needs.

Initial Setup and Configuration

  1. In order for the integration to be set-up by the Aareon Connect team, credentials of the customer for both QL and Mobysoft must be provided.

  2. Ensure you have followed the general QL API setup, as per Prerequisite here.

  3. The Aareon Connect team will then configure the integration for you.

Use Cases

  1. Create new arrears actions

    You will be able to create a new arrears action with or without a new arrears activity from RentSense into QL. This will allow the end user to view new arrears actions or activities in QL from Mobysoft

  2. Create new activity for an existing action You will be allowed to create a new activity for an existing action from RentSense into QL. Once the activity is created with Rentsense, it will auto assign itself to the Action within QL.

  3. Create new contact (Optional) The end user will be given the choice to decide if they want a contact created or not before activating the integration

    The arrears actions and activity is to be attached to the contact if created.

Field Mapping

Rent Sense

Tenancy Reference

Tenancy Reference Number

Output Stage (“|”)


Output Stage (“||”)


Exclude Until



  1. How do I sync my master data from QL to Mobysoft?

Mobysoft already has a script in place for this, please contact their support team (email here?) to get this set up.

  1. How often does my data sync over?

Master data is synced daily. New Actions/Activities created in Mobysoft will be synced asynchronously into QL.

Last updated