Microsoft SharePoint

Initial Setup and Configuration

To use the QL to SharePoint integration, you need to be at least on QL-version 4.15.3 and you need a Microsoft SharePoint Cloud version with a user that has appropriate access.

The integration assumes you do not use the SharePoint account yet.

Steps to get started:

  1. To start with integration, speak to your account manager and acquire Aareon Connect and the QL to SharePoint integration.

  2. Make sure you are at least on version 4.15.3 on QL.

  3. Ensure you have followed the general QL API setup, as per Prerequisite here.

  4. Hold your SharePoint credentials ready for one user that has user rights to read, create and update files.

  5. Now speak to your consultant or account manager, as the setup will be done by Aareon UK.

Never rename any folders. The integration identifies the folders by the names. Also: No file name with the same pre-existing file or folder name should already exist. Otherwise there is the risk of mix ups in the integration.

Use Cases

Use Case 1: Save Files created in QL to SharePoint

As a user I want my QL files (file drops from 4.15.2 and letters from 4.15.3) to be synchronized into the respective folder of my SharePoint automatically so I can find/use/archive them in SharePoint easily.

Based on each file that is uploaded in QL, a folder of the corresponding "parent" entity is created and the file uploaded to QL is also copied to the SharePoint folder.

Overview of folder structure SharePoint

Data files that are synced: Applicants, contacts, complaints, general, orders, properties, tenancies, schemes.

Note, this is the standard folder structure that is created sub-sequentially whenever you add new files to your QL system. Other sub-folders are created when necessary.

How will the integration react to certain scenarios:

  1. New files is added in QL: It will be synced to SharePoint

  2. Existing files is changed or replaced in QL: It will overwrite the file in SharePoint

  3. Existing files is deleted in QL: The integration does not delete old files yet, this will come later in H2 2024.

Triggers for files to be synced to SharePoint:

  1. Once a file is drag and dropped in QL.

  2. Once a letter is created in QL.


Do you also import files we store in SharePoint back to QL?

No, at the moment not. This is intended later.

Where in one SharePoint is the folder structure of QL built up - in the root folder of one SharePoint or can I select another sub-folder?

It's built up in the root folder.

How is the folder structure created? How can I migrate documents?

The integration creates a folder structure that it will be using, as well as performs the initial sync of QL documents. After starting to use the SharePoint integration and having some non cross-linked documents, one will need to manually move the documents if one wants to have them in the newly created folders.

Moreover, you will need keep the integration-created folder structure to ensure the correct flow of documents.

How do I authenticate (log in) the SharePoint integration?

An (ideally dedicated) for the integration created SharePoint user has to only log in once into Sharepoint and authenticate the integration. This is done in QL directly.

The integration requires one user with full CRUD (Create, read, update, delete) access on SharePoint for the integration and then all other users who want access documents in SharePoint, will need to be given access by the Microsoft admin to the SharePoint folder. However, those users do not need be given access to the integration in QL.

If documents are removed in QL, are they also removed on the SharePoint integration?

This is not something that is a part of the V1 of the integration. To correct uploading mistakes, users will need to go and manually remove those documents in SharePoint from the wrongly placed folders.

Last updated